Year of the Tiger Predictions
by Rae BorduaSymbolism and History
February 1, 2022 is New Year’s Day, according to the Chinese Lunar Calendar used by millions all over the world together with the Gregorian calendar. And according to the Chinese almanac, the year is 4719 and a
Year of the Black Water Tiger.

The Tiger is the third in a 12-lunar-year cycle of animal-year signs. The twelve animals, in order, are rat, buffalo, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, rooster, dog and pig. Thus, the last year was Ox and the next will be Rabbit. The last Year of the Tiger began on February 14, 2010 and ended on February 2, 2011. The next Year of the Tiger will begin on February 19, 2034 and end on January 7, 2035.
The Tiger is one of the symbolical animals corresponding to or having affinity with the third of the Twelve Terrestrial Branches, called the Yin Branch, and symbolizes a vigilant new sprout that has just broken free from the earth. It represents February, the first lunar month. Aquarius is Tiger’s Western counterpart.
Tigers (Panthera tigris) were very common in ancient times. At the beginning of the last century, it is estimated that there were more than 75,000 tigers living in Asia. Today, estimated to be less than 5 percent of that number remain worldwide, a total wild population of around 3,200 and falling. Of the eight commonly recognized tiger subspecies, three of them — the Balinese, the Javan, and the Caspian — have become extinct in the past two generations, and a fourth, the South China tiger, has not been seen in the wild since 1990. No reliable tiger sightings have been reported from the Koreas since 1991. The largest variety can attain a length of twelve feet.
The Chinese believe that the Tiger brings good fortune; after all, the Chinese god of wealth, Hsai Shen, rides a tiger and is sometimes even represented as one. For this reason conventional wisdom is that the Tiger need never worry about money — just when he fears the it’s all gone, more will magically appear in its place. This quality makes him an object of worship with gamblers who believe that he was “born lucky.” The Tiger is a powerful animal ally to contact in the shamanic realm to assist in exorcisms and purifications since it is renowned for frightening away thieves, ghosts, and fires. It is an object of special terror to demons and therefore is painted on walls to scare away the evil spirits from homes and temples. The shoes of small children are often embroidered with tiger’s heads for the same reason. It is seen as the model for the courage and fierceness which should characterize a soldier. In ancient times, Chinese soldiers on occasion dressed in imitation tiger skins, pressing into battle and screeching loudly as if they were the actual roars of a tiger, striking fear into the hearts of their enemies. It is the king of the wild beasts and the lord of all land animals, just as the dragon is chief of all aquatic creatures. These two share the position of prime importance in Feng Shui and are considered the two great forces of the universe.
Four powerful Tigers guard the four directions. Representing winter, the black water Tiger protects the North. East is defended by the green wood Tiger, representing spring. South is guarded by the red fire Tiger, representing summer. The white metal Tiger safeguards the West, representing autumn. The center is guarded by the yellow earth Tiger who represents the sun.

The Chinese believe that when a tiger injures a man in such a way as to cause his death, the man’s soul becomes the tiger’s slave, a devil called a ch’ang. In this form he entreats and aids the beast to devour others so that he may return to the world, having obtained a substitute life in exchange for his own. (This same principal can be seen in the superstitious objection to saving a drowning man lest one be dragged down to a watery death as a substitute.) As fanciful as such reasoning may sound, there is no question that the strength and knowledge gained from eating humans will inform and influence a tiger’s subsequent behavior.
Healing qualities are attributed to the fat, skin, liver, blood, and other parts of a tiger in many diseases; the whiskers are said to be good for toothache. The claws are believed to be a powerful talisman, and ashes prepared from tiger skin worn about the person are imagined to act as a fetish against sickness. Slightly sweet tiger meat is believed to sustain sexual and physical potency, and it no doubt is this wish to acquire the tiger’s energy, sexual and otherwise, that drives much of theillegal trade in tiger-based supplements. Even the brand name Viagra is derived from vyaaghra, the Sanskrit word for tiger.

Virtues and Vices
The main virtues in the Tiger character are his compassionate, noble philanthropy, unquenchable idealism and fearlessness. Inherently lucky despite his lack of planning, the Tiger depends on his abundant charm and enthusiastic personality to advance his enterprises and ideas. He’s dramatic and intense, an adventurous non-conformist with a great sense of humor and an edgy approach to life. His warm-hearted, generous and optimistic spirit wins him many supporters and admirers. He’s a quick learner, often self-taught and a self-starter, honest, direct, intense and a born leader. The Tiger enjoys adversity. The more difficult the task, the more of a magnet it is to him, and the more sweet it is to prevail against it and to throw a spotlight on his subsequent success. If circumstances conspire to block his leadership role, he will prefer being a loner because he insists on doing things his own way. Willing to make whatever sacrifices are necessary for the benefit of all, the Tiger exhibits an innovative, competitive and industrious approach to his work, and as long as his interest is sustained he is totally committed to the project. One can count on the Tiger to be there when one needs him, but at other times not so much. He has a wandering eye and likes to be where he thinks the action is.
Impetuosity and imperiousness are perhaps the most negative of the Tiger qualities. When things are going his way he can be arrogant, temperamental and inconsiderate. When in a pessimistic mood he responds to even the slightest criticism with vehement animosity. Unless reassured every step of the way, he can react to the most innocuous circumstances with unnecessary suspicion and irrationality. Argumentative, headstrong and belligerent when angered, he can be an unpredictable and adamant adversary who will go to any lengths to get revenge. If he or one of his loved ones are threatened, he will ruthlessly remove the danger. It is no good to pressure or punish him as this only ignites the defiant and antagonistic side of his rebellious personality. In cases such as these it is best to not take the outbursts too seriously, stand one’s ground and serenely refocus attention on the main issues face-to-face. He is easily distracted, emotional and sensitive, and privately wishes to be placated. He would do well to not be so unbending and self-centered, and allow his loved ones some autonomy while he handles his own internal issues.
Generally Tigers enjoy exuberant good health although they need to maintain a better balance in their life between extremes of activity and inertia. Overall their existence is mercurial and hyper-stimulated. The first stage of the Tiger’s life most likely will be the prime period, a time when he should learn to control his volatile spirit. The pursuit of prosperity and the realization of his dreams will be all-encompassing in youth. Serious dental problems may manifest as he ages. Because Tigers often act in haste with little aforethought, accidents are common and many Tigers die young. If he makes it to middle age, moderation will be the key to happiness. Old age is less satisfactory, although he may find some peace if he can learn to cede control to others and ease off a bit. Knowing of his stereotypical rashness and indecision, however, it is more likely that his twilight years will be haunted by distressing remorse over his past actions or lack thereof. It’s important for the Tiger to get out to the country from time to time to heal his soul in the beauty of nature. It’s also necessary that he see a doctor regularly and overcome his annoying tendency to ignore his physician’s advice. Daily athletics or sports are de rigueur for this highly-strung energetic individual. Yoga and meditation are especially efficacious at restoring his spiritual balance.

The popular belief in Asian cultures is that Tiger sons are highly desirable due to their Yang qualities of fortitude, bravery and audacity. Tiger daughters are to be feared and avoided — even reviled — because of their willfulness and reluctance to submit to the Confucian ideal of womanhood which requires obedience at all times to patriarchal figures within the family.
Tiger Male and Female
Strong and powerful, the male Tiger is one energetic fellow. Never intimidated by any authority nor afraid to voice his opinion, he grew up as his group’s spokesperson. He seeks attention wherever he goes, but he often get noticed without even trying. Lord Tiger has a good heart and can be very generous. He will be a smart and elegant dresser as well as well mannered and thoughtful. He also stands by his friends when they need him the most. He appears peaceful on the outside; underneath they are passionate and aggressive creatures. He has a large ego and his overconfidence sometimes means that he can’t take failure gracefully. He is bound to experience mood swings and does not hide his emotions. Although his roller-coaster quick-temper might might be a problem sometimes, it usually vanishes quickly just as it comes without warning. if you are involved with an unpredictable Tiger man, just sit back and enjoy the ride.
Lady Tiger is beautiful and alluring. Strong and intelligent, sexy and exciting, they are the dream of many young men. Daring and strong, Lady Tiger is intense in her feelings of love and takes family and friends seriously. She will have numerous love affairs. She is outspoken, independent, intelligent, and bossy. Attractive and smart, authoritative and candid, when she needs to twist someone’s arm to get what she wants, she does not feel remorse or guilt. She is frank, honest, never wastes time beating around the bush, and likes to be in control. Tiger woman dresses and lives with great style. With all the luck she was born with, she does not need to worry about money throughout her life.
The Black Water Tiger
The Black Water Tiger is sensitive with a powerful drive. He has a passion for life and sex, and expresses his effectiveness through his creativity. He is lucky and open-minded, an intuitive and mentally quick and astute person who will assess situations correctly and behave accordingly. He is less impracticable, unrealistic, temperamental and selfish than other tigers. When he is stable Water Tiger is the epitome of emotional balance, clarity of purpose, and patience because he knows how to take care of himself. If impatient Water Tiger can control his need to overcome fears and wait for the most opportune moment to engage in a relationship, then he can become an active participant in life. He mustn’t allow fears to block his fullest expression of creativity. If he is born at night, he may become frantic and overactive when the tiger hunts.

Black Water Tiger
Tiger Relationships

The Tiger feels a real affinity with Boar and Dog natives. He would make a great match with the Horse too. The Rooster, Sheep and Rat are also in harmony with him, as well as a fellow Tiger. However, the Ox and the Snake would be unwise partners for him. He could lose all. The worst choice of all would be the exasperating Monkey, who really will put him through the wringer with his duplicity and machinations.
Occupations and Important People
The almanac lists the occupations for the Tiger — foreman, head parachutist, rebel leader, head of department, Head of State, matador, lion tamer, stockbroker, entrepreneur, military officer, trade union leader, firm or theater director, chief driver in a racing team, chief explorer, revolutionary chief . . . anything that begins with “chief!” Tigers make excellent actors and stunt men. They love track sports and any contests involving speed such as horse racing or motor racing. With their charm and enthusiasm, they are particularly suited to sales positions. They also have talent as musicians, teachers, writers and poets.
Many man and women of exceptional character have been ruled by this sign. Some important people born in the Year of the Tiger are Lola Montez, Isadora Duncan, Emily Bronte, Roger Corman, Marilyn Monroe, Arthur Rimbaud, John Schlesinger, Maximilien Robespierre, Gypsy Rose Lee, Diana Rigg, Maurice Schumann, St. Francis Xavier, Mohammed, Ho Chi Minh, Louis XIV, Karl Marx, Dorothy Lamour, Oliver Reed, Sybil Shepherd, Simon Bolivar, Charles De Gaulle, Ludwig van Beethoven, Marco Polo, Tiberius Caesar, Jean Seberg, Charles Lindbergh, Sir Alec Guinness, Horatio Nelson, Ambrose Bierce, Elizabeth Barret Browning, William Cullen Bryant, Allen Ginsberg, Hugh Hefner, Mary Queen of Scots, Rudolf Nureyev, Grocho Marx, Princess Anne, Twiggy, Queen Elizabeth II, Stevie Wonder, Leonardo DiCaprio, Jon Stewart and Presidents James Monroe, Martin Van Buren, Chester A. Arthur and Dwight D. Eisenhower.
Year Predictions
The Year of the Tiger is a time to undertake important things. It will not be an entirely peaceful year, to say the least. (Consider that World War I began in the Year of the Tiger.) Expect changes in life and be careful. There will be major realignments politically — coups, revolution, prospects of war and catastrophe. It is a time of audacity in which nothing is done unobtrusively or on a small scale. Action and change are favored in the turbulent and mercurial Year of the Tiger.